1496: Handel & Gretzky

( 1496: Handel & Gretzky – Tale of Two Kiddies )


  • Royal Court
  • Jester
  • Mertonsire
  • Narrator/Director
  • Daddy/Step-Mommy
  • Witch
  • Bit roles
    • Town Crier
    • Sound Effector


This lively and clever script begins with a greeting by the Jester, which immediately is interrupted by an unemployed “Director,” who gives questionable acting advice to the Jester. The Director and his “Half Act Players” are quickly hired by the Jester to entertain the Royal Court. However, unbeknownst to the Jester, Mertonsire also has engaged the same motley troupe of players. Confusion abounds as the Half Act Players arrive, not with a cast of thousands, as promised, but with only three actors.

In order to perform the wacky masque du jour, Handel and Gretzky*, one of the actors must play both the father and the stepmother. This character is one of the greatest visual delights in theater as we know it, (Would I exaggerate to sell a script? I don’t think so.) with a male costume on the front and a woman’s mask and costume on the back. The actor turns around each time the other character speaks. The tempo of this rotation increases as the speech quickens. You can imagine the fun as the story unfolds. (It is what we in the business call wonderfully funny, or wonderfunny!)

Three short simple versions of English folk songs, generous audience involvement, surprising sound effects, and fast-paced dialogue makes this script a favorite of MadDin performers and audiences. Dialogue is supplied for all the toasts, introductions to the various parts of the Madrigal Dinner pageantry and concert, as well as the opening greeting and farewell. Some of the dialogue is rhymed.