1513: Murder Most Fowl


  • Jester
  • Mertonsire
  • Gossage, the Goose Seller
  • Fiddlepants, the Guard
  • Second Assitant Inspector Detective Upson Downey
  • King
  • Queen
  • Various Courtiers


Begins with a greeting and dialogue by the Jester and Mertonsire, followed by the Royal Procession. All dialogue is supplied for the Wassail, the Boar’s Head festivities, and any other words that need to be spoken or mumbled under one’s breath. Most of the dialogue is rhymed, which is an amazing feat, when you think of it. Even if you are not thinking about it, it remains an amazing feat!

A strange man comes into the Kingdom, with something to sell. But this isn’t just any something. This is a goose – and no ordinary goose at that. This is the famous goose that lays the golden eggs! Or is it lies the golden eggs? Well, someone is lying, to be sure, and that’s the least of the transgressions being committed. Before too long the goose is cooked, and the Jester, Mertonsire, and Gossage the Goose Seller are the three main suspects. Luckily, the finest detective in all the Kingdom, Second Assistant Inspector Detective Upson Downey is on the case, and with the audience’s help, the goose-slayer is found, and justice is restored.

This is a unique script for Madrigal Dinner – it’s a murder mystery format with plenty of audience interaction. With the audience deciding whodunit, it can have different endings each and every time. Most of the roles may be played by either male or female actors.